Friday, April 17, 2009

"my oponion on the play"

The sibling I can relate to more was jackie because I feel like I feel her pain. I no I have not lived her life and i have not felt her pain but i still feel like i can feel what she's putting out on th stage.

"O brother, where art thou"

I think that the movie connects to the alchemist because they have to go back to where they started from but for Everet he had to go bak to jail and the journey for him was he was trying to go get his wife back that was the treasure but he took his friends from jail and they thought that Everet ment that the treasuare as in money to be rich but that was in a way what happened to Santiago but instead of meeting new people to help him reach his treasure and and figure out his personal legend but like Everet he found love at the end of his journey. It was never about gold for Everet it was to win back the love his life but for Santiago it was more of geting to my destination then my love but when he met Fatima he didn't really want to go the pyramids to find his gold he wanted to stay with Fatims and thats what is important that love has no limits on where you are or how much distance is between you. Its always going to br there.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

writing a letter to the author

Dear Amelia Atwater-Rhodes,

I really loved reading the book Demon in my View. I loved the character Jessica she was not afraid of just anything she had a personality completly different from mine. I think that's why I enjoyed it so much was because it was interesting reading about someone thay had a personality so black. When mine is so random. When Caryn finally told her that she has no idea that her stories that she wrote were real and and that her real name was Caryn Smoke.One thing that Jessica and I have in common is that the day she goes to New Mayhem she now's that she is putting her life in jepordy, she new that their was going to be someone waiting for her but my point is I would put my life in jepordy to find out the truth. It was a very awsome book I would definetly read it again and i highly recommend the book to anyone who loves a good book.

Friday, February 20, 2009

the alchemist

"When he had gone only a short distance, he relized that, while they were erecting the stall, one of them had poken Arabic and the other Spanish. And then he understood each other perfectly well. There must be a language that doesn't depend on words, the boy thought."
I thought this was interesting because it's saying their's much more to life then just words.

Friday, January 23, 2009

this a really good bok

I found this book interesting and imporant because it could happen to anyone at anytime. When Alice goes to a party and plays a very dangorous game she feels that she will try every drug out there once and them after trying speed LSD and weed she is hookd and cant seem to get away. I think that this book should be read by every teenager out there because you could end like Alice, she thought she could runaway with a friend and quit doing drugs. Alice and her friend Chris found themselves in a really nasty apartment and craving something 2 get them high. When they found work they found out that Chris's boss has drugs and they get high with her, Alice wants to go home and goes home a week before christmas. The point that im trying to make is that it could happen to anyone at anytime and anywhere.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


What I believe about dreams is that almost every dream has a different meaning. I researched dream's that i had. Ifound out that if you have a dream about falling it is normal and if you don't wake up you will die and that is not true. Falling dreams usually mean that you are overwhelmed or stressed out. If you have a dream about death it usually means that you are surrounded by people that have a bad influence on you or that you have not siad your good-bye's to someone that has passed on. Dreams of pain usually mean that you have pain somewhere in yor body and its really bad. When you dream of kissing or almost kissing or even kissing one of your friends boyfriend/girlfriend you usually want 2 find love. Kissing your friend boyfriend/girlfriend you want to be in a serios relationship. When you dream about almost kissing that person you like it means that you have second thoughts about wheather you want to be in a reltionship with them. I believe that dreams are important because i think they tell you what your feeling.